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How Warm Can the Globe Get?

For every article written on the terrifying consequences of global warming, another is written (perhaps not as well publicized) debunking the concept and offering equal dollops of “proof” that global warming is simply a media beat-up.

The politicians of the world - all of them - are grabbing the shirt tails of this intruder on our lifestyle (and the destroyer of our grandchildren’s future) and manage to squeeze a mention of global warming into the most unrelated utterances they can get reported.

At my age I’m not allowed the cop out of saying that I’ll no longer be here for the apocalypse visits because I have to be concerned for my great grandchildren.

When winter comes, especially in Hobart, or even Melbourne, I’m sure that the locals are more concerned about keeping themselves warm than worrying about apparently melting icecaps caused by coal burning electricity generating CO2 which is warming us to death.


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